
Chapter 1: The Typical Run
Chapter 2: Types of Runners
Chapter 3: Finding Player Comparables through Distribution Matching
Chapter 4: Embracing the Random
Chapter 5: Context is Everything
Chapter 6: Surprisal Me


(Click title link for description. Enter the runGitHub command into RStudio after library(“shiny”) to run the app directly.)

Installation Instructions for Apps

Player Distribution Plotter:

runGitHub("Forever-Peace/GroundControl", subdir = "Chapters/shinyapps/rb_dist/")

Player Comparison Machine:

runGitHub("Forever-Peace/GroundControl", subdir = "Chapters/shinyapps/rb_contrast/")

Player vs. Teammates:

runGitHub("Forever-Peace/GroundControl", subdir = "Chapters/shinyapps/rb_distvsteam/")

Distribution Matching:

runGitHub("Forever-Peace/GroundControl", subdir = "Chapters/shinyapps/rb_distmatch/")

Head to Head Competitions:

runGitHub("Forever-Peace/GroundControl", subdir = "Chapters/shinyapps/rb_head2head/")

Defensive Yards Against:

runGitHub("Forever-Peace/GroundControl", subdir = "Chapters/shinyapps/rb_def/")

Game Score:

runGitHub("Forever-Peace/GroundControl", subdir = "Chapters/shinyapps/rb_surp/")

Quick Hits

Official NFL rushing attempt brain-teasers
Player Growth from years 1 to 2
How much variability is there between players?
A basic taxonomy of run distributions
What the fuck is up with Melvin Gordon?
The ten yard divot
It’s Miller Time


Chapter 1 script: The Typical Run
Chapter 2 script: Types of Runners
Chapter 3 script: Finding Player Comparables through Distribution Matching
Chapter 4 script: Embracing the Random
Chapter 5 script: Context is Everything
Chapter 6 script: Surprisal Me
Game Score calculator standalone script


Download the data here